Knit design and photography

My friend Ellen having a good laugh during a class we took with Mary Jane Mucklestone on styling and photographing knits at Fiber College.

The webiverse has been having a number of informative discussions about how to take better photographs of your knitwear (whether you’re selling the finished goods or the pattern). Here’s a reading list for you:

There are lots of other people who have written on this issue, but let’s just call this a recent, representative list. Another time, I’ll collect some materials for you on the entirely separate challenge of photographing kids in knits.

2 thoughts on “Knit design and photography

  1. I can contribute to the conversation about photographing kids. Have done tons of it – give me a heads up and I’ll write a blog post.
    Thanks for these links – I just moved away from my photographer so this has been very much on my mind.

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